Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I'm not in school, so I'm confused why I'm constantly being my children?!?!?!? It's the most frustrated thing ever! Yesterday was a very testing day. From the moment both kids feet hit the floor-it was a run around day. I sent Owen w/his dad to deliver a load of hay-thinking this would calm him down before our haircuts. NOPE! I swear I took myself a different child to get our hair cut last night. I apologized to our hairdresser, she politely smiled and said it's OK. I just feel like such a donkey when my kids act up when we're out, especially the 5 yr old who knows better. :-(  OH well life will go on and I am sure there are many more moments like these that will come. I keep telling myself KINDERGARTEN registration is right around the corner, and Monday I registered Lydia for preschool.

We've been up to.......

We discovered we're getting a new FREE channel on our DISH. STARZ!!! So we've recently recorded: planet 51, the frog and the princess, open season 2 and.....Lydia's favorite "MEATBALLS" Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. She LOVES this movie. Thank goodness. And I can't wait for it to get warmer-the kids have cabin fever so bad. I wish we could afford to take them to Chucke e cheese or Olympic Fun Center to run off some of their energy.

I cleaned the kids room yesterday. Went through their drawers, packed away too small clothes and rotated clothes in their closets-wow Lydia's growing so fast lately. She's about growing out of her 3T clothes. Owen's wearing his Sz.6 pant knees out!!! I'm trying to debate what size shorts they'll both wear. We don't need to worry about length, which I usually have to. Both kids fell asleep in their nice clean room, freshly made beds last night by 8:15p.m. YAY! I thought that was great. But Lydia didn't sleep well. She fussed through the night. But then that would save me all the effort getting myself ready.

I work this week. YAY Monday and Thursday, just 6 hrs each day, but that's better than nothing. We're going to start our process for scanning. I'm excited. And am praying this brings more hours for me to work. I've got the rest of my part of the condo to pay for, bills and my shower to finish paying off. good Lord, please bless me with more hours.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love the free previews!! And I too am constantly tested... hang in there!
