Friday, March 4, 2011

Harley's visiting

Thursday evening our house added an extra dog for a few days. Boy it's interesting, but fun. My cousin Sarah (Peanut) and her boyfriend went away for the weekend. So, we volunteered to keep Harley while they were gone. That way he didn't have to go to the kennel. Harley is a black 2 year old cocker spaniel and boy is he BIG! (course anything compared to Molly is big). It's a bit different because we just let Molly out the front door, she does her business and back she comes. Harley on the other hand.....he's on a retractable leash. Guess it's for the best. His mommy brought his dish, food, blankets, toys and his cage. We're doing alright with him. Molly seems to want to play when he wants to sleep.

Owen has been fevering since Thursday morning. :-( This mornining again at 530am he woke up screaming, and hot as all get out. Troy decided it wasn't a good idea for him to go to school. And Owen said at that point he didn't feel like it. BUT 8am he was WIDE awake!!! At 930am he asked when I was taking him to school. I felt bad at that point, his temp seemed to be going down then, but still has an awful snotty nose and isn't the best at covering his mouth when he coughs or getting a tissue-what boy is? lol. So Mommy pushed back a few errands an hour or so and had daddy go with us. He used all the adult cold medicine last week, so it was mommy's turn to get some more, and Id forgotten Owen needed stuff for snack at school Monday. (after I got home I realized it is the following Monday-guess Im prepared now). We actually all took a nap this afternoon-thank goodness. My head, ears and throat are hurting. Awakened to Lydia crying-she'd slept so hard she wet my bed. So you can guess where my bedding is right now-yep washing machines are a great thing!

The dogs just started playing and it's hilarious!!!! I wish i could do flix on my cell-but it doesn't do that.

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