Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sleeping update....

Well sleeping and binky update.....
Last Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday night the kids both slept in their beds. I usually don't have a problem with Owen, he's a great sleeper. But I think we had a problem around age 3 where he wanted in our room, until he got his single bed. Lydia got hers mid October. And still isn't 100% sold on it. lol So...last night they were both sleeping in their beds by 945pm. This is a big change for us, since October we've really been trying to get bedtime down pat. But seems like some times it's alot of BS! Yes BS!!! From crying, whining, continuously putting HER back in her bed,etc. I was so proud of Lydia for last night falling asleep in her bed. I awoke at 628am crying, shaking,etc I had a nightmare about snakes chasing me....looking over...there was Lydia beside me!! I never heard her slinker into bed. So what's Troy do? Well he milks 10p and doesn't get in until at least 3-4am (I hate it), he either sleeps on the couch or if Lydia's made her way to our bed...he sleeps in her bed. (Hilarious to see a 6'1" grown man all snuggled up in a Tinker Bell comforter!! LMAO).
Last evening we as a family cleaned up the basement a bit for Lydia's party. The kids are growing more and more excited for the party. I truly think they LOVE company!
Mommy on the other hand is trying to stay busy cleaning....I just need some motivation.
OK now to binky's....Lydia's 3 yr check up last Thursday the dr said no more binkys. Well you can't cold turkey something like that. So the last 3-4 days they're not allowed in my car, and we've been trying to hide them during the day. Makes bed time easier if we have them. But each is down to 1 a piece, so Im hoping by Valentine's Day we can have a celebration of NO MORE BINKY's....we'll see.....

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