After lunch we were off and running to Giant Eagle (Saved $19.00) where he decided he was going to be a plane, a boat and I swear every movable thing....sound effects and all. Aldi's was our next stop with of course yet another potty break and some elderly men parking their carts in the middle of the isle...SERIOUSLY does there need to be a grocery store etiquette course for men??? lol Then to walmart, we were doing GREAT on time til we got here....ran into a few people we knew, couldn't find some items I had in mind, Owen being distracted by the 'try me' video games as I was looking for an ethernet cord at walmart (still haven't found another one).....so 1 hr and 20 mins later we departed walmart!!! YAY!!! Luckily Lydia went to spend the afternoon with Grandma!
We ventured to Tara's to pick up this absolutely adorable cupcake Tinkerbell stand she found for me, deliver stuff to the sister-in-law's house and the post office. All the stops of course were filled with questions....the best...Owen wanted to know what all the little doors in the post office were....Post Office boxes, now try to come up w/a quick one for a 5 yr old...I didn't know what else to say other than there are people out there who steal mail and people get those boxes, but you have to pay to rent them. WOW that was wrong...it was filled with responses of "mom, will someone steal our mail?", and "that's not very nice".....geez........
Lydia of course wasn't ready to come home and some things had to be discussed......so finally 5 hrs after Id dropped Lydia off....we were back home, I put the groceries away, and had just sat down when I realized at 504pm that Owen's haircut was at 530pm!!!!!!!!!!!! We were off and running again. Lydia acted as if she didn't feel well, so she fell asleep on the way to the haircut until 830pm, but was back sleeping for me by 11pm. Thankfully. I really wish we could stay on task/schedule,etc.....
I'm already dreading bedtime in the fall because Owen will have to get up earlier than usual, daddy will have only had a few hours of sleep and Lydia will start 2 days of preschool.....hoping daddy understands that bedtime routine is important and that mommy's going to need lots of help or him outta the house by 730pm!!! or at least til the kids are sleeping. I don't want to be one of those parents that doesn't do well with the kids in the morning, and we don't have time for breakfast...I understand breakfast is a key to a good health and education!
Well Owen's at school, Lydia's finishing her bath and Ive got TONS of work to do in the next 3 days to prepare for Lydia's party!
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