Saturday, January 22, 2011

Birthday Parties.....

Well as parents Troy and I have decided this is the LAST big birthday party! (yeah right?!?!?). It is so much hard work! I know why can't I keep our basement cleaned up for occasions like this? BECAUSE we live in our house, I'm busy and we have 2 kids that like to play down there. So I think we're going to from now on do JUST cake & ice cream with family and then if the kids want to have a few friends over for their Birthday's we'll do it. I know I'm a tad disappointed, and this may change in time. But I don't know it kinda makes sense. It truly is hard on me. I am so stressed out by the time the day of the party rolls around that I question myself "is this truly worth it?" I mean yeah sure the kids have a blast and I feel horrible for being in a bad mood. But it is so much fun! We will see. Time changes everything.......

I still cannot believe Lydia Ann is 3 YEARS OLD~! She's our baby, our baby girl at that. She's really started talking ALOT since right around Christmas. I like it, but she sure does yammer away at orders! lol She is full of everything. She is lovable, loves her dolls and animals, observes your facial expressions before she reacts most times, loves to dance, is in aww over sparkly princess things.....she's ALL girl. But isn't afraid to run with the big dogs-and I love that! She holds her own when it comes to fighting with her brother. She does have a 'sound' problem. when she cries, yells at Owen, upset with will here it for sure loud and clear!!! last time for your 3rd birthday baby girl...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONKEY! Mommy, Daddy and Bubby love you very much!!!

In almost 2 weeks her and I will start our Mommy & Me class. It's rough Friday mornings getting 3 of us ready. Drop Owen off at school, kill and hour and a half, go to Mommy & Me and try to figure things out after that. At times Owen stays at daycare to have lunch, or he gets picked up by daddy or grandma. But all of this is worth it. The look on her face with disappointment when I tell her each time we drop Owen off for school-not your school today. she loves going and she even loved daycare a few weeks ago.

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