Monday, January 9, 2012

Time just slips outta my hands....

Wow has alot happened since June 1, 2011.
I don't even think I dare to catch you up to speed.
I am really going to try and blog again. It's fun. I enjoy reading other blogs. Just because I am curious what others are up to. I don't necessarily think it's being nosey, because they put it out there, but I am just a curious person. Always have been probably always will be. lol
So tonight the kids are fighting horribly. Mostly because Lydia's going through a horrid stage! Today her teacher told me "she was very uncooperative today!". I felt like such a donkey, but yet was thankful to myself that someone else got to experience this sweet little adorable MONSTER for 2 1/2 hrs too! LOL!
Owen's laying on the floor playing with his new chugging ton die cast trains that he received as a Christmas present, and GODZILLA comes and rips one of the trains away from him, sending him to tears and she starts swatting his defense he smacks her right across the face (I'm sure some of you are just floored by now, and hoping CYS isn't on my door step in the morning). But she's dreadfully mean to him.
Now, 5 minutes later, they are bff's (best friends forever) because big brother needs a "guard" to go to the bathroom with him. (since fire safety and the fire drills at school, he's scared to go to the bathroom, which outside the door in the hall is the smoke detector). And here comes Lydia carrying her brother's tractor and trailer he also received for Christmas...Lord help me if they start spatting again, I may have to send them to bed at 630pm :)
I tried Chicken and Dumplings last week for dinner. Turned out very well, followed the recipe. (it's a joke, Troy always insists I don't follow them-that's why stuff doesn't turn out). The kids were asking for leftovers 3 days later!!!! Guess I will have to do that one again. Last night was pork roast, chopped up potatoes, onions, celery and baby carrots. Troy doesn't like this meal particularly. He will say "it's not one of my favorites". He doesn't usually say much. Tonight, he may ask if I followed the recipe. Beef stroganoff.....I so didn't like it. It was edible. But I cannot say I'll be recreating this entree. I made the kids and him theirs and mine had onions and mushroom, they don't like them. Please pray tomorrow is much better, I'll need something to save me. It's boneless skinless chicken breast cooked with one of those Cooking Philadelphia Cream Cheese's. I'll be serving it over rice.
Well enough rambling.....cheers to 2012 and to new recipes and to hopefully blogging more.

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