Owen finally had soccer practice last evening. I can already tell I am going to have a struggle getting the two children ready for soccer games/practice. I don't know if there needs to be a piece of candy or what waiting on the car for them. They just didn't seem to want to get moving last night. I try to remember to pack everything : chairs, extra clothes, shin guards, cleats, water bottles for both kids,yes both, extra coats, blanket, snacks, drinks,etc. WHEW by that time....IM EXHAUSTED! Last night Lydia wanted to take her bike and Owen had a fit because he couldn't take his (which he took a training wheel of and he had practice so there was no sense in it). I sure wish sometimes they understood the BIG picture, but i know it's unrealistic for me to think that way.
He did well. He does need to work on paying attention to what's going on at practice, not what his sister's doing (or fearing he's missing something she's not).
And I can't figure out what foot he's to kick with. He is right handed, but does a few things right handed.
Lydia rode her bike Grammie got her for her 3rd birthday, then Grammie & Lydia decided it was too windy and cold and they decided to park it in her car. Once practice was done, muddy kid and all we treked to the car to change!!! EWW I can't stand mud!!!
I think he will do fine this season. He is only 5! He has a game Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and again next Saturday!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Stats and soccer
I forgot to post that yesterday we did the kids STATS!
Owen at 5 1/2 years old is 61.8 pounds and is 46 inches tall, wears a size 11 shoe, and size 7 clothes.
Lydia at 3 1/4 years old is 36.2 pounds and is 39 inches tall, wears a size 9 shoe and size 3T bottoms (except pants 4T for length) and 4T everything else. WOW they're growing so much!!!
Both got haircuts last week and were PERFECT for them. Owen always looks so nice with his hair cut short. She uses buzzes on everything but the top, then scissor cuts the top, she put gel in this time! woo hoo what a stud. Forgot to take a picture. We are growing Lydia's bangs out, so she got a trim. Always wears something in her hair if we are out and about. Thank goodness she's learned to live with hair accessories!!!
So far this first soccer season for Owen....he's had 2 practices and a scrimmage, 1 cancelled game, 2 rescheduled games and 1 practice cancelled!!! He's not even had a chance to wear his #9 soccer shirt. Hopefully Thursday we'll get to practice.
Owen at 5 1/2 years old is 61.8 pounds and is 46 inches tall, wears a size 11 shoe, and size 7 clothes.
Lydia at 3 1/4 years old is 36.2 pounds and is 39 inches tall, wears a size 9 shoe and size 3T bottoms (except pants 4T for length) and 4T everything else. WOW they're growing so much!!!
Both got haircuts last week and were PERFECT for them. Owen always looks so nice with his hair cut short. She uses buzzes on everything but the top, then scissor cuts the top, she put gel in this time! woo hoo what a stud. Forgot to take a picture. We are growing Lydia's bangs out, so she got a trim. Always wears something in her hair if we are out and about. Thank goodness she's learned to live with hair accessories!!!
So far this first soccer season for Owen....he's had 2 practices and a scrimmage, 1 cancelled game, 2 rescheduled games and 1 practice cancelled!!! He's not even had a chance to wear his #9 soccer shirt. Hopefully Thursday we'll get to practice.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Fesitivites
To me Easter seems to be one of the easiest holidays, or has been being a parent. This year I really struggled what to get the children. When Owen was 3 we got him a bike, Lydia was 3-4 months old and I knew she wouldn't never know he got that verses what she got.....well....It never dawned on me what was I going to do when it was time to get her a bike. SO I tossed around the ideas of getting both kids a bike (not very budget friendly), then just getting Lydia her bike (not fair for Owen who understands and really could size wise use a new bike)....so after weeks of toying I decided NO bikes for Easter :-( So I think once we get our tax return we'll get bikes and they'll both be happy. Then both can get new helmets/knee pads/etc and it'll be a special occasion. I sure hope it works out financially for us to do that. We've got other bills that are first on the list to get caught up on.
With holidays we also get SUPER busy and I am already SUPER busy to begin with, and then there comes stress. Stress is like a very common symptom in my life these days. I really had a hard time today dealing with splitting the time up today. So we've decided we're going to try to spend more time at home for holidays and I demanded and Troy agreed we are staying home Mother's Day! It's what I want, I won't be stressed, I won't be mean to my kids, I won't have to rush around all dolled up feeling like a misfit!!!! I will actually get to enjoy MY Mother's Day!!!! Because I am a mom and want to spend it with my kids and husband.
But also with Holidays come special memories.
Including the annual Kraynak's Easter Bunny Lane.
We started the Easter long weekend by cancelled soccer practice and Avon deliveries, Friday mommy worked and meem got to babysit all day, pork chop dinner and a mad dash in the rain to Greenville for dinner....then Saturday we celebrated birthdays.....
Troy's niece Rebekah's 9th birthday (which is Tuesday) and nephew Matthew's 16th birthday (which is May 4). I'll add some pictures that I took. For some reason my camera settings got changed and I didn't get a GREAT picture of them with their cakes.
Then in the evening we dyed eggs. The kids had a great time, but it went super fast. Mommy was very tired at this point-so that was great!!! They were bathed and in their own beds sleeping by 9:35a.m.
The Easter Bunny got to get the baskets stuffed and hid early....but was so excited the kids were sleeping in their own beds ..... she couldn't fall asleep and then I tossed and turned all night long anticipating the kids looks on their faces finding their baskets. Well that didn't work :-( Owen was wide awake before 8am and got into his basket while sleepy bunny slept. Lydia on the other hand slept til I woke up around 9am. As the time kept ticking, the kids were digging out their baskets and awwing over everything I remembered I had to bake a cake! Holy crap! dress 2 kids, get church bags ready (quite activities/toys for the kids) shower and get ready. A mad dash it was to get all that accomplished = STRESS! The kids were very well behaved in church. There was a woman who played the bells for us for a few songs. Owen was in awe over them, so was I. What great talent.
After church we headed to Troy's parents for lunch and Easter Basket hunting. The kids are always so excited to see their cousins! We returned home to rest, play, get some laundry done and the cakes frosted. Then we WAITED for daddy to return home. The stress level kept rising.....we were an HOUR late for my family's get together. I was the least happiest camper, but was too angry to even say much. The kids again got to play with Savanna (banna , Lydia calls her). And to visit with family.
Return back home, clean up the house, run the sweeper, unpack stuff from the day, lay out clothes for tomorrow and get ready for bed. oh yeah and snacks. I don't have a clue how the kids thought they needed a snack?!?!?!?!? After everything we ate today.
I just realized I did not take a picture of them all dolled up for the day. But they wore their same clothes they wore for our Spring family portraits ALL day. Hoping the spray stain remover works, because it smells awful.
Here's their baskets though and them on Easter morning. (sorry this blog got so long)
With holidays we also get SUPER busy and I am already SUPER busy to begin with, and then there comes stress. Stress is like a very common symptom in my life these days. I really had a hard time today dealing with splitting the time up today. So we've decided we're going to try to spend more time at home for holidays and I demanded and Troy agreed we are staying home Mother's Day! It's what I want, I won't be stressed, I won't be mean to my kids, I won't have to rush around all dolled up feeling like a misfit!!!! I will actually get to enjoy MY Mother's Day!!!! Because I am a mom and want to spend it with my kids and husband.
But also with Holidays come special memories.
Including the annual Kraynak's Easter Bunny Lane.
The Kids Favorite |
Troy's niece Rebekah's 9th birthday (which is Tuesday) and nephew Matthew's 16th birthday (which is May 4). I'll add some pictures that I took. For some reason my camera settings got changed and I didn't get a GREAT picture of them with their cakes.
Then in the evening we dyed eggs. The kids had a great time, but it went super fast. Mommy was very tired at this point-so that was great!!! They were bathed and in their own beds sleeping by 9:35a.m.
Savanna |
The Easter Bunny got to get the baskets stuffed and hid early....but was so excited the kids were sleeping in their own beds ..... she couldn't fall asleep and then I tossed and turned all night long anticipating the kids looks on their faces finding their baskets. Well that didn't work :-( Owen was wide awake before 8am and got into his basket while sleepy bunny slept. Lydia on the other hand slept til I woke up around 9am. As the time kept ticking, the kids were digging out their baskets and awwing over everything I remembered I had to bake a cake! Holy crap! dress 2 kids, get church bags ready (quite activities/toys for the kids) shower and get ready. A mad dash it was to get all that accomplished = STRESS! The kids were very well behaved in church. There was a woman who played the bells for us for a few songs. Owen was in awe over them, so was I. What great talent.
After church we headed to Troy's parents for lunch and Easter Basket hunting. The kids are always so excited to see their cousins! We returned home to rest, play, get some laundry done and the cakes frosted. Then we WAITED for daddy to return home. The stress level kept rising.....we were an HOUR late for my family's get together. I was the least happiest camper, but was too angry to even say much. The kids again got to play with Savanna (banna , Lydia calls her). And to visit with family.
Return back home, clean up the house, run the sweeper, unpack stuff from the day, lay out clothes for tomorrow and get ready for bed. oh yeah and snacks. I don't have a clue how the kids thought they needed a snack?!?!?!?!? After everything we ate today.
I just realized I did not take a picture of them all dolled up for the day. But they wore their same clothes they wore for our Spring family portraits ALL day. Hoping the spray stain remover works, because it smells awful.
Here's their baskets though and them on Easter morning. (sorry this blog got so long)
Lydia's was hidden between the elliptical & the card table I have set up right now. |
Owen's basket behind the recliner, in front of the desk. Owen showing off his 'Chuggington' book The Easter Bunny left umbrella's What a ham! She wore these a few times during church service. |
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Easter Egg Hunt
Today was the annual Easter Egg hunt at church. We went to church as a family, which was so nice. Ive been longing that for a while now. There were a few disagreements before we left, but were easily fixed. Thank goodness. He must have known I needed to be at His House today. The kids were dismissed part way through service (ahh it was sooo nice), for a children's Easter Reading Service in our basement. After church was over we had a lunch, the Easter Eggs were all hid by the older kids, and Cocoa made an appearance. All the children loved it.She did great. (As soon as she got home and settled, she flopped down and laid her whole little body out in a line.It's exhausting being a superstar,lol). Then we went upstairs in age groups, smallest first, and found the eggs. The kids had so much fun. Owen was able to go on his own this year and Lydia partnered up with Joel. Afterwards they all posed for a picture. When I picked the picture I noticed there were a few missing. ohh well, can never get the perfect picture :-( The Easter Eggs of course were filled with candy, other small items and my kids favorite over the candy QUARTERS!!!
Also below is a bridal shower card I made for a coworkers Bridal Shower Friday night.It was nice to get out, eat a grown up meal, have a glass of wine and talk amongst other coworkers/women.
Steph's bridal shower card |
Lydia and Joel (she's got some kinda sore on her chin???) |
Owen hunting on his own |
Lydia did it right having Joel hold her bag, so she could get more. |
Missing a few people |
Soccer......GO TIGERS!!!!!
This past week Owen headed to his very first soccer practice in the pouring down rain. I was hesitant. But I was geared up with extra clothes, entertainment for Lydia & Grammie for the car, umbrella, extra coats, shoes, etc. He had a BLAST. They practiced 15 minutes in the rain and then 15 more minutes under a pavillon. It was great. I know a few of the parents, which makes it nice. The kids did fall asleep on the way in. Guess the raining pouring down did it for them. Grammie got Owen's ball very last minute for us. She's AWESOME like that.
Then Thursday he had practice for half an hour, then a little scrimage.It's very windy at the sports complex. But the kids had fun. Owen was covered up the back in mud, and he had to make a trip to walmart afterwards.For once I think in my parenting life I wasn't prepared with an extra set of clothes for him. So this week I will pack a rubbermaid tote of extra "soccer practice/game" stuff. I like to be very prepared. I dont want to have to run to the store for something that I already have at home. We were looking forward to a first real soccer game. But as the rain kept pelting down all week long, the local weather forecast and the wind picking up speed Friday night I was/shouldn't have been shocked when I found out very late Friday evening that ALL soccer games were cancelled for Saturday. I guess it was just gut wrentching to know I had to explain thatthe game was cancelled to Owen. He cried, but I explained how it wasn't safe to play in the bad weather.He recooperated and started askign when practice was again. YAY! Boy, whew that was so hard. I was texting everyone I knew to tell them the game was cancelled and asking advice of what to tell them. I have to laugh (my bff, sorry) my best friend says JUST TELL HIM THE TRUTH, HE WILL GET OVER IT. OMG she cracks me up. She's blunt and straight to the point. But I guess that's how you have to be.
Following are so pictures. A few bloopers I have to share. 1.Owen was in the goal, he got his feet stuck in the net. 2. He kkicked the ball and fell down. 3. He's in the goal and I glance over....he's scratching his bum! 4. He saw the snack bar opening and screams to me "MOM, LOOOK SEE THEY ARE OPENED". I gotta feeling it's going to be a hilarious season. We will wait and see how the Spring season goes to see if he will do the Fall.
Gearing up for their scrimmage (Owen's in the grey sweatshirt) |
Getting warmed up |
Blooper |
Monday, April 11, 2011
Misc Spring Updates
Now that it's been nice the last few days I've gone a few new Spring pictures to add:
Owen was busy as a lil bee outside digging holes....INMY YARD!!Daddy wasn't too thrilled when he got home. |
Thought this was so funny....looks like she's smiling...... |
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Owen "tried on" this new bike. He seemed a bit big for it. But we'll have to have daddy take a peak. |
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Wacky outfit #184.Night gown, striped socks and dress shoes. |
It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well..... we added a new family member to the Hill Family....a hoppy one at that.ha ha ha.
Saturday the kids and i went to TSC to see the bunnies, the one I was eyeing was bought right under my nose.I had specs to meet.....so the kids and I were ok to just buy the waterbottle, feeder and feed. On the way home I decided to stop at McCartney's feed mill to see if any ads were posted for bunnies. Sure enough there was!I called the lady, we decided we'd all go and off we were that evening. The breeder also did yorkie dogs. They were cute, but not as cute as I've seen in magazines. So....we ventured out to her rabbit barn-and that it was! She wasn't real sure when we got out there what she had to sell. There was a pen of 2 brown and one white w/brown markings, she told me the white one was not for sale....long story short-that's the one we got !!LOL
That was Saturday. We finally decided on her name Sunday evening. Her name is COCOA~!
And I think we've gone from seriously keeping her outside, to possibly having her as an inside pet.She's pretty neat! Molly likes to lick her and has today (Monday) stopped whining constantly. It was a bit annoying. We've been shredding newspapers and putting them in a tote until we can get her a new cage. I think we're getting the starter cages from TSC if she's going ot be an inside pet.The kids do well with her.Owen's obnoxious about wanting to hold her, but we're trying to explain to him she's not used to it, she's a baby, she's small and he's got to be very gentle with her. I'm hoping next week this time he has calmed down quite a bit.
We're (well at least me) truly enjoying her.She's absoluetly the cutest bunny Ive ever seen.
Cocoa was born Wednesday, February 9, 2011 and became our pet Saturday, April 9, 2011. She is a Holland Lop breed. And was 1 of 3 in her litter, or so we saw.
Here are some pictures:
Saturday the kids and i went to TSC to see the bunnies, the one I was eyeing was bought right under my nose.I had specs to meet.....so the kids and I were ok to just buy the waterbottle, feeder and feed. On the way home I decided to stop at McCartney's feed mill to see if any ads were posted for bunnies. Sure enough there was!I called the lady, we decided we'd all go and off we were that evening. The breeder also did yorkie dogs. They were cute, but not as cute as I've seen in magazines. So....we ventured out to her rabbit barn-and that it was! She wasn't real sure when we got out there what she had to sell. There was a pen of 2 brown and one white w/brown markings, she told me the white one was not for sale....long story short-that's the one we got !!LOL
That was Saturday. We finally decided on her name Sunday evening. Her name is COCOA~!
And I think we've gone from seriously keeping her outside, to possibly having her as an inside pet.She's pretty neat! Molly likes to lick her and has today (Monday) stopped whining constantly. It was a bit annoying. We've been shredding newspapers and putting them in a tote until we can get her a new cage. I think we're getting the starter cages from TSC if she's going ot be an inside pet.The kids do well with her.Owen's obnoxious about wanting to hold her, but we're trying to explain to him she's not used to it, she's a baby, she's small and he's got to be very gentle with her. I'm hoping next week this time he has calmed down quite a bit.
We're (well at least me) truly enjoying her.She's absoluetly the cutest bunny Ive ever seen.
Cocoa was born Wednesday, February 9, 2011 and became our pet Saturday, April 9, 2011. She is a Holland Lop breed. And was 1 of 3 in her litter, or so we saw.
Here are some pictures:
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Owen went to a new dentist at the end of January. (he was in our network and I'm trying to utilize our dental benefits). At that time he did GREAT with cleaning and letting Dr.M look at his teeth. It was discovered he had a small cavity on a back molar. So we scheduled a return visit 2 weeks later, prepared him for it all.....got to the appointment, did well UNTIL....he pulled the needle out!!! Owen told Dr.M "I'll be back another day!" WHAT A HOOT!!! So we got a recommendation from a few friends and our pediatrician for a pediatric dentist in New Castle. We went for a consult a few weeks ago, Owen did great and was all geared up for that visit....that visit was TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He didn't sleep very well last night, he cried in the night. But didn't mention his fear. We all 4 got up, showered, dressed and out the door by 815am to make our 915am appointment. It was a rough night for mom and dad (ill post more later).......
We arrived 5 minutes early (mark THAT one on the calendar!). Owen checked himself in, I paid the 20% bill, Owen used the potty and we didn't even really get to sit down. Away Owen and I went to the back, he seemed a bit nervous, but chattered away and the procedure was started. He got scared almost when the Dr was done, he started to cry and whine loudly, so I was motioned to come stand and hold his hand. We talked about the beach, the cows, and that he was very very safe. Thank goodness we had 1 tooth, because when I looked at his face and saw the tears streaming down I thought i was going to faint! (one of my new specialty's since my surgery :-( ) We left and headed home. He was instructed for 2 hrs he could have stuff that was soft (milkshake, yogurt, pudding, Jello-O,soup,etc). So in Mercer we got 2 (of course 2, jelly belly sis had to have one) strawberry milkshakes, which each drank half and let daddy finish. We arrived home and nhe only mentioned his mouth feeling "funny" once. He's back to himself and has been trying out the elliptical, which he was warned isn't a toy.
So.....daddy and Lydia are sick. Daddy's been sick off and on , I think it's because of this crazy weather. Lydia has had a fever since Tuesday. She was 100.2 at bedtime last night and at 230am was 101.5. She chugged her juice so fast she threw up. :-( mommy doesn't particularly like doing throw up, id rather something else. gross! So we bathed her, cleaned up the mess and headed back to bed. Daddy was a great trooper and helped us til we went back to sleep for 3 more hours. She seems fine today. A bit warm, but nothing like this morning and hasn't had any fever reducer since 230am. Hoping she feels alot better.
Tomorrow she's so excited to do to daycare. Grandma will be milking and getting her hair done, Owen has preschool, daddy doesn't do well staying awake in the mornings to watch her all while mommy travels to work and works a day. So....none other choice. Hoping we can get 24 hrs w/o meds.
He didn't sleep very well last night, he cried in the night. But didn't mention his fear. We all 4 got up, showered, dressed and out the door by 815am to make our 915am appointment. It was a rough night for mom and dad (ill post more later).......
We arrived 5 minutes early (mark THAT one on the calendar!). Owen checked himself in, I paid the 20% bill, Owen used the potty and we didn't even really get to sit down. Away Owen and I went to the back, he seemed a bit nervous, but chattered away and the procedure was started. He got scared almost when the Dr was done, he started to cry and whine loudly, so I was motioned to come stand and hold his hand. We talked about the beach, the cows, and that he was very very safe. Thank goodness we had 1 tooth, because when I looked at his face and saw the tears streaming down I thought i was going to faint! (one of my new specialty's since my surgery :-( ) We left and headed home. He was instructed for 2 hrs he could have stuff that was soft (milkshake, yogurt, pudding, Jello-O,soup,etc). So in Mercer we got 2 (of course 2, jelly belly sis had to have one) strawberry milkshakes, which each drank half and let daddy finish. We arrived home and nhe only mentioned his mouth feeling "funny" once. He's back to himself and has been trying out the elliptical, which he was warned isn't a toy.
So.....daddy and Lydia are sick. Daddy's been sick off and on , I think it's because of this crazy weather. Lydia has had a fever since Tuesday. She was 100.2 at bedtime last night and at 230am was 101.5. She chugged her juice so fast she threw up. :-( mommy doesn't particularly like doing throw up, id rather something else. gross! So we bathed her, cleaned up the mess and headed back to bed. Daddy was a great trooper and helped us til we went back to sleep for 3 more hours. She seems fine today. A bit warm, but nothing like this morning and hasn't had any fever reducer since 230am. Hoping she feels alot better.
Tomorrow she's so excited to do to daycare. Grandma will be milking and getting her hair done, Owen has preschool, daddy doesn't do well staying awake in the mornings to watch her all while mommy travels to work and works a day. So....none other choice. Hoping we can get 24 hrs w/o meds.
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Here Owen is in the car. he was allowed to keep his nitrous mask. |
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Lydia crazy outfit #183 (just kidding)
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Another one of this wild woman's outfits. Summer hat, night gown and fancy black patent leather dress shoes! |
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This needs to be my new best friend!!! lol. It's the newest piece of furniture in my house. AND I'd better put it to good use......or else.................. |
Troy's come down with another cold/flu symptoms. It's so strange. It's when this weather changes. I hope he gets better sick. Certainly scares me!!! Lydia started yesterday with feeling warm and just kind of laying around. Which isn't like her. So she had 2 doses of ibprofen last night, 1 at 3am and another this morning. Then when I picked her up at the farm after work, she was 101.3 degrees. Poor thing. She came home, ate a popcicle, sucked on a washcloth and just laid there. UNTIL the meds kicked in. ha ha ha. Daddy's currently laying in their room with them.
Owen goes tomorrow to get his first filling. I am VERY nervous! But he seems to be okay with every thing that's going to happen. I'm just ready to get it done and over with.
This weekend Grammie asked us to go to an Easter Egg hunt with her. So-that's what were going to be up to. And hopefully it's a pretty peaceful weekend.
Mercer-Northwest Guernsey Banquet
I'm sorry it's been so long since Ive posted.....
This past week's been so crazy!
I'll start you off with last Friday we all went to dinner to celebrate my sister-in-law,Elaine's, birthday to Cianci's. All 13 Hill family members....and.....drum roll please..............my kids were VERY well behaved!!! Even though it was later than I'd expected, they did great!
Saturday April 2 we had our annual Mercer-Northwest Guernsey Breeders Banquet. The kids were so excited to be going to the "Guernsey Dinner" as their Grandma told them. Owen was told he was going to get a cow brush. So something made him think there were going to be Guernsey's there. Who knows why?!!? It's just the way kid's minds work. We explained to him over and over NO there would not be any cows whatsoever there...............
While daddy and Grandma were setting up, I decided to take the kids to Meadville to do a little running. We ventured to the Salvation Army for the first time. For $13.00 here is what I got: a cute Easter bunny decoration, a nice fuchsia colored purse, Lydia a pair of shorts, dress and a shirt and for myself a pair of lounge pants and a summer robe. I thought i did pretty good. We then ventured (as promised if there were good) to TSC (Tractor Supply Company) to see the peeps (which were very scarce) and bunnies (2 black and 2 black & white). Our family has been talking for about a month or longer about getting a pet rabbit. So we're now looking and serious. Daddy's promised to build us a cage since he has supplies and will save us roughly $100. We've (I've) got my preferences: NOT plain black or plain red, not red eyes and floppy eared. I've received alot of advice/comments. I've heard that floppy's are the best for having children because they're more laid back so to speak. Once I got my kids away from the rabbits that didn't fit any of my specs or budget at that time.....we went to lunch. While at lunch. Owen and Lydia have been wanting cheeseburgers instead of nuggets (GASP yes I feed my kids McDonald's-sometimes Lydia will do apple slices but I only offer either chocolate milk or apple juice)......he had eaten all his food and for some reason asked Lydia for a "bite" of her burger, which she had 1/2 left.....she broke in half, smiled and said "here ya go bubby". The cutest, kindest thing I've ever seen her do!! :-) Made me smile and I praised her.
Home we came, tried to nap, then prepared our appearances for the banquet. The kids did alright. Owen much better than Lydia. But that's 2 yrs difference for you. It became a very late night and we finally got to sleep at 12:30am! (sigh-someday my family will have a strict bedtime routine).
Hope you enjoy the pictures......
(the barn ones are trying to get pictures for the PowerPoint presentation of the kids for their slide.)
This past week's been so crazy!
I'll start you off with last Friday we all went to dinner to celebrate my sister-in-law,Elaine's, birthday to Cianci's. All 13 Hill family members....and.....drum roll please..............my kids were VERY well behaved!!! Even though it was later than I'd expected, they did great!
Saturday April 2 we had our annual Mercer-Northwest Guernsey Breeders Banquet. The kids were so excited to be going to the "Guernsey Dinner" as their Grandma told them. Owen was told he was going to get a cow brush. So something made him think there were going to be Guernsey's there. Who knows why?!!? It's just the way kid's minds work. We explained to him over and over NO there would not be any cows whatsoever there...............
While daddy and Grandma were setting up, I decided to take the kids to Meadville to do a little running. We ventured to the Salvation Army for the first time. For $13.00 here is what I got: a cute Easter bunny decoration, a nice fuchsia colored purse, Lydia a pair of shorts, dress and a shirt and for myself a pair of lounge pants and a summer robe. I thought i did pretty good. We then ventured (as promised if there were good) to TSC (Tractor Supply Company) to see the peeps (which were very scarce) and bunnies (2 black and 2 black & white). Our family has been talking for about a month or longer about getting a pet rabbit. So we're now looking and serious. Daddy's promised to build us a cage since he has supplies and will save us roughly $100. We've (I've) got my preferences: NOT plain black or plain red, not red eyes and floppy eared. I've received alot of advice/comments. I've heard that floppy's are the best for having children because they're more laid back so to speak. Once I got my kids away from the rabbits that didn't fit any of my specs or budget at that time.....we went to lunch. While at lunch. Owen and Lydia have been wanting cheeseburgers instead of nuggets (GASP yes I feed my kids McDonald's-sometimes Lydia will do apple slices but I only offer either chocolate milk or apple juice)......he had eaten all his food and for some reason asked Lydia for a "bite" of her burger, which she had 1/2 left.....she broke in half, smiled and said "here ya go bubby". The cutest, kindest thing I've ever seen her do!! :-) Made me smile and I praised her.
Home we came, tried to nap, then prepared our appearances for the banquet. The kids did alright. Owen much better than Lydia. But that's 2 yrs difference for you. It became a very late night and we finally got to sleep at 12:30am! (sigh-someday my family will have a strict bedtime routine).
Hope you enjoy the pictures......
(the barn ones are trying to get pictures for the PowerPoint presentation of the kids for their slide.)
My lil cow girl! |
love this one! |
finally got that boy to hold the rope....w/a cow on the other end! He's a tractor boy. |
He's so proud of his cow brush. |
deep in thought |
Troy doing his thing |
Girl boxes I cut the stuff out on cricut and mother-in-law assembled. These were the kids gifts. |
The boys box |
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