I was to post this last week. Sorry. I wanted to add some pictures......
WOW! Lots of stuff to report today!!!! Buckle your seat belts! This may get long.....
Last Friday(2/18) was a disaster for Lydia and I at Mommy & Me! She wasn't herself. She hasn't been herself at Mommy & Me since beginning of December. She wasn't listening or participating, so I grabbed her and our things and WE LEFT! I truly think she's bored with it. So we're deciding what to do next. I'm thinking of 1 day a week sending her to daycare for the social interaction. She will be registering for preschool in a few weeks!!! YAY!!! I still haven't seen anything in the Record Argus about Oakview Elementary kindergarten registration!!! Every other school but ours (CP, Jamestown, Greenville, Mercer, Reynolds). Can you tell I am EXCITED!?!??!?!?!?! 1 kid will go M-F and the other 2 days a week!!! I know so selfish. Hey I'm at home w/them ALOT compared to other mom's who have husbands w/normal jobs! I think I'm entitled to feel this way after all these 5 yrs.
Last Saturday we had a VERY busy day! I hired a sitter to come so I could go and enjoy something I like - KIDLESS .....Penn's Woods Craft Show! I enjoy it every year, but seems to be less and less people roaming around there. The vendors are set up...but the turn out. I really wonder what their turn out is? I missed out on seeing the Keelings sing because of time. Oh well. I'll try for another time. My bff and I had a good time together. We were looking for cheap items to 'country ize' my house because I want to redecorate. The kids and I went to a friends house for a play date for the 1st time and her family room in the basement is EXACTLY what Id like to have my house decorated with. So far Ive decided Bees are my kitchen w/a sage green color, the bathroom is stars, my bedroom is blue w/angels (not cheap looking angels, pretty real human figured ones), the living room (Ive got to leave the autumn Guernsey picture up, so it's a toss up), and the kids room is sage green w/a little bit darker curtains.
Once I got home it was time to get ready for Meem's Surprise Supper at Cianci's for her 50th Birthday. There were 14 of us. We were there what seemed like forever, wasn't 100% thrilled w/food and service. But was a nice time out without the kids with my family. Owen had decided the night before he didn't want to go and thankfully Aunt Anne didn't have any plans and the kids were home, because she was so nice to keep my 2 while we went out. THEN mom thought she had a kidney stone, which turned out ot be a muscle spasm, now a broken rib! She got her stitches out today, but haven't heard yet how that went.

Monday..... All day we'd been preparing Owen (and the day before) for his dentist appt to get a filling. It happened that Troy had to stay home to milk, which I wasn't thrilled about but I put my big girl pants on and thought I CAN DO THIS!!! We talked the whole way to Greenville how important this way, how if we were good we'd go to Dollar Tree and get a special balloon (I can handle a $1 for a treat). We got there, Owen did well.....UNTIL the dentist brought out the needle to put in Owen's mouth.....AND THAT KID WAS OUT OF THAT CHAIR FASTER THAN IVE EVER SEEN HIM MOVE!!! After 25 minutes of trying to bribe, talk things through,etc. I said forget this, I wasn't forcing him into the chair, making him crying, stressing us both out.....we got a referral for a pediatric dentist-which I guess from soooo many people isn't a good dentist!!! I called the pediatrician's office and got another name, and we're schedule in 2 weeks to go to New Castle for a consult! whew what a stressful, embarrassing, trying moment!
Tuesday.....The kids and I picked up a Nan Peterman cake on our way for a visit to see the Birthday girl for her 50th at the Bowling Alley. Joan, Mom, Mary and Billie all bowl Tuesday nights, and have for quite some years. I'll have to check out that number too because I'm curious. We picked up a naughty cake. I won't post on here. Meem liked it though.
Tuesday I made a cake and chili. I'll have to admit that it's not the same as my moms :-( But nothing every matches up to someone Else's cooking.
Today I got Owen's newsletter from school. He has school pictures March 11 (Friday) and March 7 (Monday) Lydia gets registered for next year for preschool!!! What a week!!!
The kids are patiently waiting for Grammie to get here. I said after lunch-she'll be here.
I get to work Thurs and Fri this week! I'm excited. Thursday night I'm going to be committing myself to Zumba and Bible Study every Thursday!!! Saturday Owen got invited to a birthday party at a bowling alley. He's excited. Lydia's allowed to go too.
We also painted Molly's toenails for something to do...
Well enough rambling on or I'll think of 3652 things to tell you about.
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