Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Binky's...or there lack of!! YAY!!!!

I keep forgetting to post and I don't know why I keep forgetting because its such a great thing that's happened here!!


Last Sunday February 6, 2011 was the last day we saw them in our house. Seriously, it's happened by pure accident. But it needed to happen that way. I knew I didn't have the will power to get rid of them on my own. So....Sunday night at bedtime we couldn't find them and still haven't found them. It's been a pretty smooth transition. But I did tell Troy if he sees one pop up, without telling me please get rid of it!!! The kids aren't falling asleep as well. But we haven't exactly had a great bedtime routine. I know I need to get them into one. But as soon as I do-something happens (time change, holidays,etc).

So it's been 1 week and 2 days since we've seen those ugly things sitting on our kids faces!!!! I knew we needed to get rid of them. Our doctor's and dentist's have been very patient and understand---but until Lydia's 3 yr check up mid January! The pediatrician wasn't nice with me about it, of course I blame it on not having Troy with me. Whatever! They're gone. Owen's not going to have one at graduation or his honeymoon-so no sweat!! lol.

Now-if we can get Lydia back in her bed! We would be so set. But not every family is perfect and I'm the first to admit that I am the most IMPERFECT parent. I know I need to learn patience, take time to relax, but time just doesn't permit it some days. :-(

Well we're off to hopefully make an early Birthday surprise visit to aunt Joan-she will be 58 tomorrow!!!! AND mommy's had it with being couped up all day.

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