Okay. I really swear this time I am going to stay on task and try to post at least , AT LEAST every other week. I mean I can update my facebook pages several times a day....why I can't a handle this...... right?!?!
So it's November 1st.
The summer certainly flew by us. With many fun happenings.
The fall is in full swing around here with the combine, trucks and tractors flying past at all hours. I told them there is a new rule...no tractors past my house past 9pm. Owen's constantly glued to the window. MY mother-in-law told me this past week the carpet in our house had a path worn in it from Harold (my father-in-law)'s mother going from the kitchen window to the front Living Room window. I decided after the 1st spring that unless Im expecting important company-I refuse to glass clean my front screen door and my front living room window. DAILY those kids have their faces pressed against it. It's commical. So instead of stressing over it being clean. Im just glad they dont write on them, or stick food there, like they used to.
Owen's into his last year (2nd yr) of preschool. He goes M, W and F 3 hrs!!! Lydia and I attend a Mommy & Me class for 1 1/2 hrs. They're both doing very well and developing like ID never imagined!!!
Troy & I had our first Parent/Teacher conference last Monday. It went very well. We need to practice writing our name for Kindergarten. BIG O little w, little e little n. Practice Red (which I know he knows), gray and brown. Practice counting 1-50 and A-Z. He's very active and making alot of new friends. He has a few special ones. Megan (which is was in his class last yr, but only is in his class on Wednesday's this year. They combine MWF and TWT), she also lives down the Road from us. She came to Owen's birthday party-and mommy's got to make friends with each other. So we're hoping for a playdate some time. Another VERY FOND friend is Leyton. Ive got to post this (sorry monique if you read, but it's amazing). As Owen's 1 of the biggest in his class, his friend Leyton, is 1 of the smaller children. They get alot so well, have the funniest conversations. They remind me of 2 old men sitting in rockers sipping lemonade talking. Leyton is all Owen seems to talk about, minus the girl who always is getting in to trouble. (Dianna-if you read this-you'll have to ask me about this one). These are some of the things Ive heard "mommy, Leyton was line leader", "mommy, Leyton says he livesin a donut", "mommy, I want Leyton to come play", "mommy, Leyton was having a bad day", It's so neat how he truly cares about another child his age. Unfortunately, I think Owen and Leyton will not be in the same class together. So I would really like to keep them in touch.
Owen LOVES going to school this year, except when he doesnt want to go to bed and get up the next day! But we're preparing him for next year. It'll be an EVEN BUSIER FALL FOR US! Owen will go to Kindergarten and Lydia to Preschool! AMAZING!!!
Last Thursday Owen went to the doctor for his 5 yr check up and Lydia for her flu shot.....
(Im copying and pasting what I posted on facebook)
Owen went to the doctor today for his 5 yr well visit. Lydia went along too. Our original plan was Owen to get 2 shots (booster and flu) and Lydia 1 (flu). We ended up with Owen geting 3 and Lydia 2. Lydia had to do everything Owen did (ears checked, blood pressure, temperature-thank goodness the nurse didn't mind, she was new and FABULOUS), and they sat together on the table like salt & pepper!
Owen is 44 1/2" tall (80%), 53.4 lbs (>95%), goes back in 1 yr and did EXCELLENT on vision and hearing! The hearing test was so stinkin cute the way he reacted!!! lol He said the house on the vision test was a BARN! Of all KIDS MINE SAID THAT?!?!?!? Then she asked Troy & I about bed wetting at night, so I started to talk...Owen abruptly commented "mom dont tell her that, it's OUR secret" I laughed and the Dr explained to him it's normal! IT was so cute though. Wish ID a had a camera today to video.
Dr. says Owen looks great, as long as he's eating, sleeping and being active. Dont worry about his size. He has slowed down a big on the height. So after all this hoopla (1 hr and 20 mins), we stopped by Grammie's briefly to check on her (she had her skin cancer zapped this morning), then the kids and I ate DQ on the way home. I drove into Greenville, but my arms were sore to drive home..
Owen went to the doctor today for his 5 yr well visit. Lydia went along too. Our original plan was Owen to get 2 shots (booster and flu) and Lydia 1 (flu). We ended up with Owen geting 3 and Lydia 2. Lydia had to do everything Owen did (ears checked, blood pressure, temperature-thank goodness the nurse didn't mind, she was new and FABULOUS), and they sat together on the table like salt & pepper!
Owen is 44 1/2" tall (80%), 53.4 lbs (>95%), goes back in 1 yr and did EXCELLENT on vision and hearing! The hearing test was so stinkin cute the way he reacted!!! lol He said the house on the vision test was a BARN! Of all KIDS MINE SAID THAT?!?!?!? Then she asked Troy & I about bed wetting at night, so I started to talk...Owen abruptly commented "mom dont tell her that, it's OUR secret" I laughed and the Dr explained to him it's normal! IT was so cute though. Wish ID a had a camera today to video.
Dr. says Owen looks great, as long as he's eating, sleeping and being active. Dont worry about his size. He has slowed down a big on the height. So after all this hoopla (1 hr and 20 mins), we stopped by Grammie's briefly to check on her (she had her skin cancer zapped this morning), then the kids and I ate DQ on the way home. I drove into Greenville, but my arms were sore to drive home..
Now on to Lydia. The first few weeks of Mommy & Me Lydia just wasn't real sure about going somewhere with just me and no daddy and no Owen. But she's gotten quite used to it. She doesn't really play single with the kids, she watches them. But she loves to play with the kitchen, doll babies and gingerbread men at school. She knows if we're driving through the town, where it is. She knows on Friday's after we take Owen, she goes on to her school. We'd been going to lunch afterwards and Owen staying at daycare for lunch. But we'll resume that maybe Friday. We're unsure. She got her picture professionally taken and it was GREAT, I posted it below. It's not clear because I took a picture of the picture with my cell. Sorry. She loves wearing dresses to school and church. She keeps right up with Owen, and some times if he upsets her, she has an anger agression issue, where she hits. So we're working on that. She laughs ALOT. Is constantly hungry. She's about 35 lbs. Wears 3T, so she's not fat or too skinny. Just loves to eat. Lydia is glued to in front of the TV on nights of Dancing With The Stars. She loves to dance.
This year I let the kids pick out what they wanted to be for Halloween. . . . Lydia was a butterfly for Halloween and a princess for Trick or Treat. Owen borrowed Kyle's costume to be a pirate and he LOVED every minute of it. We took the kids to Trick - or- Treat at a nursing home to serve 2 purposes if not more. 1 stop shop, no in and out of the car, shuffling jackets, not knowing people and the residents LOVE it! After we did that Meem, Mom, Aunt Joan, the kids and I went to dinner. The 1st thing Owen said to me on the way home was "mommy, I LOVED being a pirate, can we go there next year". Which meant he liked going to Meem's work.
Well. I think that's about all that's new. Ohh. I had breast reduction surgery 10/13, I go back to the dr 11/3 and I hope to go to work next week. No details........still recovering. More painful that gallbladder surgery........
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