Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wow! just looked at my
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Happy birthday, grandma. Its been
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Going to add my christmas
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Thanksgiving (a little late posting)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Nite #2: lydia napped, so
Monday, December 6, 2010
Nite 1: monkey 2 her
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Hope 2 update tuesday. Down
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Lydia's out 820pm! fussy taken
Another weekend......
I am thankful that my children are able to voice their opionions to me , even if I may not like or agree with what they have to say.
Lydia missed Mommy & Me yesterday, she's had fever readings of 99.1, 101.1 and 99.9. Poor thing. It just started where she was hot. But now she's got a runny nose and her throat's red and swollen looking. Owen and her both hacked through the night. So we were in bed and sleeping by 915pm - all of us but daddy....he'd rather sit up and watch Tv.
I thought a venture out to get a few much needed groceries at the local store, no names mentioned, would do the kids some good. NOT! They wanted everything under the sun, wouldn't stay w/me and just didn't want to listen. And to make matters worse the cashier irritated me, she said my internet coupon that Id recently printed out was "FRAUD", okay I felt like saying "lady, listen it's not like I have fake money or monopoly game money here, cut me a freakin break!" She made me feel like I had fake counterfeit money. I may as well of, she didn't care! I told her in a not so nice voice I didn't want the items then. She proceeded to ask me IF I WANTED MY COUPONS BACK! OMG this lady was about ready to see an unleashed mother!!! lol I said "yes, I'll take them to walmart and save even more money because your $3.19/pkg of stuff costs me $2.00 there and I'll save 50 cents on top of that!!!". I grabbed my receipt and walked out the door w/my cart!!!! PEOPLE!!!!!!
Ive been making my Christmas lists (not for me that's for sure) and have decided there is no sense in buying a ton of toys for the kids, they get way too much anyways! And we're so busy Christmas morning they usually don't get to open half of what they get from Troy & I and Santa. So I have no clue other than tractors, a belt and a placemat for Owen (if you read this and your a gift buyer for Owen, dont you dare steal my ideas). he wants Stinky the garbage truck, I say NO WAY. It's $50, not educational and not justifyable!! Lydia is the easy one this year. Ive got my ideas and such. Ive got Owen's teacher and Lydia's mommy and me teacher all done, my 1 sister-in-law is about done, Troy I want to get 1 more thing for him and the rest is on paper for now.
I still haven't gotten any hours at work. I haven't worked in 4 wks, it'll be 5wks Monday. Im starting to get kind of antsy and wonder about applying somewhere where I can have more hours. I don't know that I want change though, especially before the holiday's and I really like most of my co-workers. :-)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Rough last 2 days! kids
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sorry i didnt get chance
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Hello and welcome to JCPenney Portraits. MICHELLE HILL is excited to share this portrait memory from JCPenney Portraits with you. To enjoy this image, click here. If you like what you see, try us out yourself! Visit or click here to find a studio near you and schedule a sitting today! |
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Sunday, November 7, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
We left the house this morning, she was asked if potty was necessary and she said no. So we dropped off Owen, ran a few errands, pulled in the parking lot of Mommy & Me, she said PEE as I was grabbing my purse and getting out of the car. I said "yes, We can go as soon as we get inside". TOO LATE! She'd already soaked her unders, her pants and her car seat!!!!!!!!! (I hate washing car seats!). So we changed inside school.
She did so well at school, even though I thought she didn't at first. She loves to paint. We painted turkeys and they'll be there next week to take home. They're so adorable!!! Went to lunch with my best friend and she just seemed tired! But she was good! She was even good while mommy cleaned Aunt Joanne's house!!! That's amazing. because there is lots of neat stuff for her to get into.
Owen called me as I was pulling into the farm driveway and said "please bring my boots". So that meant he was milking cows today! He loves that!!! I dont know that he really helps. But it gives him a break from me, and more time with Grandma Hill and Daddy.
That little boy is just waiting around for the snow to fly and I am afraid it's going to happen sooner than we think. Fingers crossed that we're just safe!!!
Last night Owen was sleeping by 930 and Lydia 945. Daddy carried Lydia to her bed and at some point between 2 and 4am she was back with me! Did NOT want to get up this morning. And fell asleep on the way home. SO she took HER FIRST NAP in many many many many days from 145-445pm!! YAY! Hoping for no purple under her eyes for their pictures tomorrow!!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Bed Time Night #3
They were both sleeping by 915pm. Much to stay for tonight- but we've still got time for a miracle. Daddy's on bathtime duty, so they're suddsing it up now.
Last 2 nights we've ate, played, painted, bath and bedtime.
Lydia ate 3 helpings of spaghetti and Owen 1 1/2 tonight. They picked all day long. Mainly Lydia. She's like a homeless....I hungry I hungry is all she says all day long. She's constantly eating. I dont think it's a problem. But she's also been wetting her pants 4-6 times a day! It's driving me crazy. I can't tell if it's because she's too busy, I know it's not because she doesnt have access. When were in public she's NEVER peed her pants.
Tomorrow we have a TON of errands to run starting at 815am to 2pm. Im sure I'll be exhausted come night time.
Wish me luck for 930pm or before tonight.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Night #2 Operation BEDTIME
Right at dinner time it got really coatic around here. Grandma came and the kids got wound up! So I tried to get them focused. We put our pajama's on, got ready for bed and we decided to paint! (BAD IDEA) I told Owen Id buy some paint with the rest of his birthday money-but kitchen table only, and when we are done we are DONE! They had a blast! They wore some and we're in another set of Pajama's. (susan Im taking your advice next time undies only and right before bath time).
So it's 855pm they're enjoying ice cream and hopefully will go to sleep.
Update from last night: Lydia was in my bed from 10-730a! Daddy was in at 230am and he got to sleep in Lydia's bed! Good thing she got a single bed almost 3 wks ago.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Bed Time
About 5pm Troy called and said Owen could ride a while with him. Lydia and I took him there and ventured back about 645pm. I get up there, get out, grab Troy's dinner, look at Lydia and she's ZONKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I carefully brought her back home, laid her in her bed, diapered her and warned Owen he wasnt to enter their room until it was his bedtime..... (I am still not to be carrying more than 10 lbs). So. As I cleaned my room, packed summer clothes away, Owen splashed and had a good ol' time in the tub, all while Lydia is sleeping. He came ot my room, I assisted with drying, brushing hair and getting pj's on.............Owen gets a snack, puts the PICKLE movie on (Veggie tales) and I go backto my room....I hear "momma, I hungie!" This is Lydia's current saying and we here it time and time again throughout the day. I felt this huge pinge of anger through me.............
She's currently snacking in her bed, w/the lamp and PICKLE movie on..............I know this is the beginning of establishing a bedtime routine, it is only 832pm and I should be thankful my kids are in bed at that time.
So Ive decided at 745pm we start with baths, snack, bed time and story/movie.........with the hopes they'll be sleeping by 830pm. We'll see how this week goes of this to see what we need to adjust. Advice is welcome as long as you don't get upset if I chose to NOT follow it! ha ha ha....Im just trying here to get our family on a schedule. Daddy doesnt' have a schedule or he makes his own, but I'd like the kids and I to be on a schedule somewhat.
We voted today.owen was very
Monday, November 1, 2010
Trying to stay up to date......

Owen went to the doctor today for his 5 yr well visit. Lydia went along too. Our original plan was Owen to get 2 shots (booster and flu) and Lydia 1 (flu). We ended up with Owen geting 3 and Lydia 2. Lydia had to do everything Owen did (ears checked, blood pressure, temperature-thank goodness the nurse didn't mind, she was new and FABULOUS), and they sat together on the table like salt & pepper!
Owen is 44 1/2" tall (80%), 53.4 lbs (>95%), goes back in 1 yr and did EXCELLENT on vision and hearing! The hearing test was so stinkin cute the way he reacted!!! lol He said the house on the vision test was a BARN! Of all KIDS MINE SAID THAT?!?!?!? Then she asked Troy & I about bed wetting at night, so I started to talk...Owen abruptly commented "mom dont tell her that, it's OUR secret" I laughed and the Dr explained to him it's normal! IT was so cute though. Wish ID a had a camera today to video.
Dr. says Owen looks great, as long as he's eating, sleeping and being active. Dont worry about his size. He has slowed down a big on the height. So after all this hoopla (1 hr and 20 mins), we stopped by Grammie's briefly to check on her (she had her skin cancer zapped this morning), then the kids and I ate DQ on the way home. I drove into Greenville, but my arms were sore to drive home..
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Shop 8/17-9/13 take 20%
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
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Saturday, July 24, 2010
To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit
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Sunday, July 18, 2010
Owen accidentally droped his bink
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I love listening 2 owen
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
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Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sitting here waitin for troy
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
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Monday, May 17, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Cards and such

Friday May 14, 2010 I am closing my Pampered Chef catalog show. You can view their products online through my consultant Cheryl Rowland's site.