So Ive decided to start something new. A little something to get my thoughts out there. Let others know what we're up to, what's happening, what's going to happen, etc. I'm hoping everyone enjoys. As I enjoy reading what others are up to. Just some people aren't into that kind of stuff. ohh well. Poo on them.
So it's January 3rd. Today was a long day at home alone with the kids. But we made due. I've been under the weather the past 3 days,but it really hit me in the night. YUCK! Today I did accomplish cleaning the bathroom, taking the tree down and outside (what a mess...damn real trees), cleaning the living room, running the dishwasher twice (yes TWICE, GEEZ I didn't say I was ever super mom/housewife), sorted a huge mound of laundry, cleaned Owen's room, dressed 2 kids, made 2 cards, laundry, and swept! WHEW Im exhausted.
The kids did go to sleep very early tonight. So Im not looking forward to the early morning. I do need to make my bed w/fresh bedding. Its awaiting me downstairs, clean in a pile. A nice hot long peppermint bath also has been on my mind......
Getting into make my own cards with Stampin Up products has been fun. But finding time and patience to be interrupted is annoying me. I made myself a little spot in the corner of the living room. I need to find a little light to put there for lighting. The kids toys are in their own spots...I feel good now!
Tomorrow we are going to the farm for lunch. I am hoping to not stay too long. We were there Thursday 12:30p.m.to 8 p.m. long day. The kids love playing over there. I just don't get anything done when we go to visit.
Monday Lydia goes to the pediatrician for her 1 year well baby check up. AMAZING!
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