Monday, January 5, 2009

Lydia's 1 yr check up

Today was Lydia's 1 year well baby check up. We got out the door on time and to the office ON TIME! Record for us. Guess goes to show if the boys aren't in tow then we can do it. Then we waited 20 minutes after our appointment time before we went back. Wasn't too bad with just Lydia and I. She's to get whole milk now and wean herself whenever she does or I feel like it. No bottles, but can have the rest of the formula we have for her in a sippy cup. Keep up what we're doing and use flouride daily. Here are her stats:

Lydia 1 year old: Height 31" (95th percentile), Weight 21 lbs 6 3/4 oz (90th)and her head 18".
She got 3 shots. Wasn't too happy and let the nurse know. It was like Lydia yelled at her. lol. Can't say as I blame her.

Owen went with Troy to deliver hay, get lunch and check on a corn bin at a farm down the road. So we beat them home. Owen had a great time with daddy.

We've decided upon Lydia's birthday party to be January 24th. These details keep swarming in my head what we're going to do, when, what I need to get accomplished, who I need to make calls to,etc.

Tomorrow Owen's friend Porter is coming to play for a bit. I'm excited! Owen needs to get more used to playing with others. We don't start back to Mommy & Me until Feb. 6.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear things went well at Lydia's 1 year check up. Wow, one already!! Where did the year go? She is a beautiful little girl that is growing up so fast!

    Love, Crystal
