We had a break from the snow for a little while.....little while!!! Troy had to plow snow at 430am this morning. Our driveway was blown shut, as was the renters across the road. It's 18 degrees so far. Yesterday we were to go to the Higbee's to play,and see them off for their trip Saturday to Disney....I was a little disappointed. All schools around the area were CLOSED! But I was stuck at home. bummer! We made due w/what we were dealt. Making homemade pizza for lunch, playing, napping, cleaning,etc filled our day and evening. Troy was in late last night. The accountant got stuck in the driveway at the farm, so that was Troy's 2nd pull me out of the day.
Today, I am unsure if I want to brave the cold with the children. But desperately need to make it to the bank and store, and tackle laundry today. We're having taco chicken in the crock tonight for dinner. Yummy. Need to figure out what Owen's going to eat.
Lydia turned in a circle yesterday. She kept doing it....and got dizzy. It was so cute to see her figure out something new. She's constantly climbing up the kitchen table chairs and standing on the table. I am unsure what to do....a few swats havent worked!!!!! She said "DA DA" Saturday nightorSunday night,I can't remember which. She's discovered Owen's old bouncy Zebra that the Higbee's got him for his 2nd Christmas. She LOVES IT!!!
We are loving our new floor. It's beautiful! I sweep it every other day and need to mop it today. The living room carpet looks great as well and needs swept today. I've got lots of to do's and little energy. It seems like the kids are just draining my energy lately.
Owen's into things. Pushing his sister. Moving his bed in front of his door. Taking food to his room. Leaving things lay around that Lydia should'nt have. I just can't wait for Preschool to start in September. I mentioned school for fall to him yesterday adn that mommy wouldn't be attending with him....he wasn't sure about that. I think we're going to have seperation anxiety with him. ohh well. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Yesterday Owen let mommy take a nap while Lydia napped as well. He did do very well!!!
Lydia's birthday was a great sucess!!!! With lots attending.....29 people. I had just enough food. A friend made a pretzel salad and an aunt came early w/her sons to help and made BBQ pulled pork for sandwhiches. Everything was yummy!!! Oh mom made Chili, too. I even got extra and froze some for later. Troy doesnt' care for chili. Lydia picked at her cake first, then dove in, cried because she was a mess and had a blast. She had help opening gifts from 2 friends, which was fun!! Owen unbelievably didn't want to help. We had lots of help cleaning up.
I am hoping the weather calms down so my mom can come visit Saturday afternoon while Troy's at a meeting. I miss her, and spending time w/just her. Next week is our friend's anniversary....they were married 02/02/2002, how neat!!! And then our friend Cheryl's 40th birthday and then our anniversary all in a week!!! We'll be married 5 years. It's unreal. I feel like it has been longer.
Well I guess that's all new for now. Hope you enjoyed reading about our family.
Take care until next time.