Im sorry I am not doing very well getting this updated often...I'll try from now on because in just 3 wks our family changes so much as do the kids.....
I've been forgetting lots, haven't been able to clean for my sil, depressing. Guess that is what happens when you work.
Sat. 6/20 we went to Porter's 3rd Birthday Party at the Hartstown Firehall. owen was terrified of the firetrucks and Shannon put Lydia in a firetruck and she refused to leave it!!! We had a great time, good food and great socializing. Lydia made a mess eating, but had a good time. Porter's cake had a sock monkey on it (GROSS!!!). Kidding....Im wondering if Cheryl really reads this...she'll be rolling on the floor laughing. The kids played w/toys, balloons, got to see the trucks, eat and get press on firetruck tattoos. It was great.

My drink that wasn't so great! Minus the salt woulda been GREAT!!!
Dad and Savanna 2 1/2, Lydia 1 1/2 and Owen 3 1/2.

I've been forgetting lots, haven't been able to clean for my sil, depressing. Guess that is what happens when you work.
We'll start w/last monday I started working for 3 wks, then I get a 2 wks break, work a week and am off all of August... gonna be sad when the paycheck doesn't come in....but my house needs major cleaning (Ive already started my list, even for Troy too lol).
So Well I guess back up a few days...
Sat. 6/20 we went to Porter's 3rd Birthday Party at the Hartstown Firehall. owen was terrified of the firetrucks and Shannon put Lydia in a firetruck and she refused to leave it!!! We had a great time, good food and great socializing. Lydia made a mess eating, but had a good time. Porter's cake had a sock monkey on it (GROSS!!!). Kidding....Im wondering if Cheryl really reads this...she'll be rolling on the floor laughing. The kids played w/toys, balloons, got to see the trucks, eat and get press on firetruck tattoos. It was great.
That night we headed to Meadville's Thurston Classic to possibly see the balloons. Well we were 20 mins past the time they were to decide whether they were going to fly or not....ANDNOT A BALLOON in sight!!!! So as promised ot the kids balloons, headed to the 'dollar tree' for $1 mylar balloons (Owen's a blue star and Lydia's a Disney Princess themed one). Staples had some GREAT deals and we too advantage of that. Then did a 3 wk grocery trip...well things are getting low and we've only completed 2 wks. But at least it's just bread, milk, juice kinda stuff so easy!
Sunday 6/21 FATHERS DAY: The kids got Troy a new fancy tape measure, Owen's broke 2 or 3 of them. (lol). Troy milked, then we met Dad, Helen and Savanna w/our crew at Applebee's. We had the BEST food ever. I decided I don't like margarita's and if I ever want to order one I'll order w/o salt or w/sugar on edge of glass. EWWWW salt and a nice beverage doesn't mix. Afterwards we gassed up, got the Sunday paper and headed to dad's w/my laptop and Mail's pc in hands. Hers , we think, is fixed. Who knows w/her. Then home to bed we start Monday.
6/22. . . . i trained for registration thru Thursday and was alone Friday and then through July 10 am registering patient's alone. I think it's gone pretty well. After I returned home Monday I was letting Brownie (our 5 1/2 yr old male choc lab, we've had him since March 2004). And I noticed his side of his face was swollen like a baseball size. He had gunk coming out of his eye and his ear was swollen at least 1/2" thick. That previous weekend he'd been crying every time he moved his head and was just looking old!!! So Tuesday we made such a hard decision to have him put to sleep. Pnut and Aunt Mary met me at the vet's office, and the kids were dropped off at Mom's. It was so hard on me. I checked in, made my check out ($105) got him weighed (93 lb, was 115 the previous august). We had a few moments together, the vet came in, gave him a shot in his IV , she said now this is going to be fast. He laid his head down, and that was that.... Off to sleepy land, peacefully, no pain, without a whimper or sigh. :-( The office sent us a card a few days later.
I cried the whole way to work that morning, and the next. It took a few days before I could go downstairs to throw his pillows away, clean up the shedded fur, empty his food dish and close up the bag. We are now shipping 2 full 50lb bags to the farm and 1/2 of one. ohh well.
Thursday after work mom met me at Walmart, and we picked out a new sweeper! I LOVE IT!!! Used it last night for the 1st time, I moved some furniture around. I like the new TV in it's new spot and the book shelf as well. I ran into an old friend, Lisa, we got to chat a little. We met Aunt Mary and Pnut for dinner. And it started to pour, so there went our plans for Kids Carnical at Riverside park.
Thursday I also began to think about another dog already. I asked Owen did he want a dog or a puppy. I seriously was considering a dog, but with kids guess we'd better not chance it and just get a puppy so it's used to kids. I wanted something small. Medium to small sized, non shedding (funny huh , it's a damn dog...gonna shed!).
Friday I also worked, alone w/no one watching me. . . . . don't really remember what we did.
Saturday- June 20 : Tara and I had planned to go to Deer Park. After serious consideration with factors taken into it like Jamestown yard sales, weekend, and nice weekend for campers that they'd probably be busy. So her in laws were out of town. We swam from 1130-330. It was fun. Owen wore his back pack thingy and had a great time diving off the board, jumping into 11'. Made me nervous at 1st, but then realized he does great w/his back pack on. I sunscreened the kids and I 2x. Im burnt! The kids are tan!!! WTH??????? was about 3 or so...Owen jumped into 11' and didn't have his back pack on. Tara jumped in and saved him! Talk about hear stopping. The lil bugger realized he didn't have his pack on when they got to the stairs. ohh well. I'll be peeling like the snake skin I found in my flower bed last evening in a few days. ewwww.
We headed home and not even 3 mins in the car both kids were zonked out! too cute! Shoulda taken a picture. Stopped at a yard sale, got buns at Camp Perry. Troy called me on way home and said he got a tank for our grill we've used less than 20x we got for him last Father's Day. I was so excited. So we had yummy burgers on the grill for dinner. AND I had found on's classifieds:
3 dacshund female pups the price and telephone #...I called the lady on her cell, she text me 3 pics and Troy and I decided to go sunday to look at them. The 3 are sisters, 10 wks were born 4/18, dad on premise and mom is at owner's . The lady was a little weird. But we decided an hour later we'd get the chubby female that was loveable. The black/tan one is hyper and the skinny one is shy. So we headed to walmart to get puppy supplies. The collar is so cute!!!! And to get Mil's pc and home we came!!!
SORE BURNT me laid around all evening and couldn't sleep very well.
I'll post pictures maybe this weekend of the new puppy. I get her tomorrow after work. I cannot decide on a name. Here's what we're thinking:
????We had 9 mos to decide w/the kids we've got like 2 days with the new puppy.
~sorry for any typos, as most know we've got a broken laptop screen. We've found a few brand new on ebay, but Ive got to figure out what is wrong w/my paypal acct. That Ive got a 1-800 for and need a moment of quietness. ROFLMAO. . . with 2 kids under 4 that's a joke!!!