Sorry all. I know I emailed/put in our Christmas letter about our blog. it's been so crazy around here lately, and Im afraid it's going to get worse before it gets better......
So, I'll start w/Christmas eve etc.
Christmas Eve I did work, it was okay though. We didn't have any patient's. YEA! We sure did have some laughs in the office. It was nice.
After working quite a bit throughout the last week and preparing for Christmas, I was pretty tired. So the kids and I took a nap. . . . but woke up later than I had wanted. We scrambled to get ourselves together and headed to my dad's house. He hired 'Santa and Mrs. Claus' to come. (I forgot my camera, so awaiting pics from dad). The kids were in aww and got a few gifts. They were excited.
We headed home to get ready for bed. Excitement was definately in the air.
I woke up at 8:30 a.m. Christmas morning, walked out to the living room to a bare floor under the tree and Santa ASLEEP ON THE COUCH! He had forgotten where I said the gifts were hid and didn't assemble the scooter for Owen. So we hussled upstairs w/the bag as Owen was on the potty doing his morning business. We got everything scattered under the tree and distracted Of course, Owen knew something was going on. So we told him that Santa had let his reindeer play downstairs and they pooed allover! So daddy was downstairs cleaning up. WHAT A HOOT!!!!Owen w/his stocking and waking his sister while Santa assembled the scooter downsairs. Can;t let this happen next year. We got baths, dressed and ready. Then opened our gifts. Boy was that nice!!! Santa filled their stockings with toys, for Lydia play jewelry, sock and bows, and for Owen all the boy gear you can imagine. Santa left Lydia a doll house and Owen a scooter. Mommy & Daddy got them Noah's Arc Little People SEt, movies, clothes, shoes, AND THEYRE STILL opening new toys out of their packages.

So right before we were leaving to go to Troy's sister's (Joanne's), I was downstairs checking laundry and Owen followed. I noticed the scooter box still sitting out but before I could make a mad dash to cover it "mommy, did you get my dat scooter for crismas" OH NO! Owen was told Santa's a bit lazy and left his garbage down stairs.
In the freezing rain 20 minutes behind schedule we were off to The Hill Christmas Celebration. Lydia dressed in her best and Owen. They looked darling.
Owen, Rebekah & Lydia
Joel & Matthew
The kids were very well behaved all Christmas Day! They were excited about all their gifts and play w/them all. Lydia got a tea pot set and many of other toys. Owen got a work bench with alot of tools to go along. He is such a little handman these days, or so he thinks.
They both got movies, clothes and little kids folding couches, which they use daily. I was like a kid this year, I got a Cricut Expressions and my very first Vera Bradley purse. I LOVE THEM BOTH! Now a Wii is on my birthday list! Once we were done eating, as usual by that time it's time for Troy to go home to milk cows.
The kids napped and I prepared dinner. Roastbeef, noodles, mashed potatoes, YUM. Mom brought over the kids and our gifts and we exchanged after we ate. Owen is so excited about his child size wheel burrow. Grammy got a new microwave for Christmas and other small items. Grammy always does such a great job!!! We love you GRAMMY!!!
The day after Christmas I got up early and made my way to Hermitage for a shopping adventure w/meem! We had a great time. No kids. It was great. I got alot of great deals and some gifts for teachers purchased for next year from Kraynak's. Also got a $140.00 coat for $43.00. I seem to be doing well w/bargains on coats. Because this day was also my mo's birthday and we got her a $160.00 Columbia jacket for $45.00. YEA!!! She always liked mine, and they're extra warm, so she got one. I think she's pretty happy abou tit.
After I got back home we napped, ate lunch and got ready for the Alabran Christmas at The Hunt's house. Which may be the last year that we get to gather there. They are going to build closer to Aunt Billie's work, smaller house too. I love their big house and wish we werent attached to the farm some time, because I'd like to purchase it! It's the ne place I have left of my past childhood to go where I feel so comfortable. But life goes on, and it's their house. They have done a GREAT job on the projects they've done thus far. Especially their bathroom. AMAZING!
So Lydia slept while we ate and scrumptous dinner and moved on to gifts. My mom got an extra special gag gift this year. (that's all Im saying)

The kids played and played. Lydia did her 1st somersault and ring-a-round-a rosey. We did have a really good time at The Hunt's. The kids fell asleep on the way home. What a nice thing!!! They were so tired from all the past 3 days events.
Nate, Owen, Savanna & Lydia laying on the floor (below)
Lydia & Savanna doing somersaults together.
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