Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Kids dentist appointments
Owen got invited to his first party in a few weeks to a girls house from school. He is excited about going. Mommy's so nervous because we have never experienced this before. So we will feel out her momma and see what she needs/wants,etc. He is growing up so fast. Minus the binky!! He likes his new single bed aunt Joanne got him. So does Lydia. He isses his dad during the days, but is daddy's #1 fan! He continues to tease Molly, but gets her her water. And mother his sister. His new favorite is hot chocolate. Tried to make it himself, but didn't put water in the cup and almost caught the microwaveon fire. Sure did scare him.
Molly continues to grow and fit more and more into our family!!! We love her alot. We're debating on whether we're going to breed her. We'd (the kids and i) wuld love to have a puppy of hers, preferably 1 that doesnt look just like her (dapple, black or long haired). But that's all in the air, I just can't make up my mind......even with myself I can't make up my mind. I keep thinking like 3 yrs from now I'd like another baby. I dnt know. It's hard with 2 that are just 2 yrs apart, so part of me thinks it'd be easier, but then I remember how hard it is..... its like having 2 start all over. So I dont know. I dont want to do anything permanent because I'm fearing regret. And then there's Troy....he says he's too old. He will be 33 in a few weeks. He thinks he'd old...right!!!
I am still working Per Diem at Edgewood Surgical Hospital in the Business Office. I really enjoy it and have made alot of new friends....including....Lorie. She's came over a time or two, can't remember exactly, but has gone to the barn w/us to milk. She's super nice. Has a baby boy on the way at the end of May (Colton Michael). Her and her husband, Mike, live in Fredonia in an amish built very nice house. They have 2 dogs (Diesel-doberman and Onyx - Loxer
Premier Designs also seems to be still blessing me and my family. I just returned from Premiers Regional Conference this past weekend. I traveled to Columbus with my Premier Mom/sponsor Kelly Redick and sister Nikki Byers. WE had a blast! It was not only fun, but also uplifting. I feel like my reset button was hit! I got to see Andy & Joan Horner, the founders of Premier Designs 25 years they've been doing this. I also got my picture taken with their Granddaughter, Jessica Horner, she picks out the new lines of jewelry for us to sell. I feel so blessed! I have 3 shows booked in February. Id like to try to get 4-6 a month.
Tomorrow night I am having a Partylite Candle Party. Here is the link if you'd like to order. We are closing Friday 1/29 though. I LOVE thier candles.
Friday night we are celebrating Lydia's 2nd birthday and all the February Birthdays. I am so excxited to have my family over for a relaxing evening. Ive been working all day pickin up, moving things to the kids room so there is more room in the living room.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Christmas at The Hill Family
We headed home to get ready for bed. Excitement was definately in the air.
Owen, Rebekah & Lydia
Joel & Matthew
The kids were very well behaved all Christmas Day! They were excited about all their gifts and play w/them all. Lydia got a tea pot set and many of other toys. Owen got a work bench with alot of tools to go along. He is such a little handman these days, or so he thinks.
They both got movies, clothes and little kids folding couches, which they use daily. I was like a kid this year, I got a Cricut Expressions and my very first Vera Bradley purse. I LOVE THEM BOTH! Now a Wii is on my birthday list! Once we were done eating, as usual by that time it's time for Troy to go home to milk cows.
The kids napped and I prepared dinner. Roastbeef, noodles, mashed potatoes, YUM. Mom brought over the kids and our gifts and we exchanged after we ate. Owen is so excited about his child size wheel burrow. Grammy got a new microwave for Christmas and other small items. Grammy always does such a great job!!! We love you GRAMMY!!!
The day after Christmas I got up early and made my way to Hermitage for a shopping adventure w/meem! We had a great time. No kids. It was great. I got alot of great deals and some gifts for teachers purchased for next year from Kraynak's. Also got a $140.00 coat for $43.00. I seem to be doing well w/bargains on coats. Because this day was also my mo's birthday and we got her a $160.00 Columbia jacket for $45.00. YEA!!! She always liked mine, and they're extra warm, so she got one. I think she's pretty happy abou tit.
So Lydia slept while we ate and scrumptous dinner and moved on to gifts. My mom got an extra special gag gift this year. (that's all Im saying)