Saturday, January 21, 2012

And more snow....

I'm curious to know how much more snow we got last night. I like the snow don't get me wrong. It's just if I have to travel somewhere in it, be there at a certain time and am running behind. That's when the snow is an issue for me.

Of course I go back to work and it starts snowing like every other day!!!!

It wasn't too bad getting to work. No major oopppsys.

Wednesday I left a few minutes early, made it on time, but the roads were rough and slick from the freeze overnight. Thursday it took me 40 minutes to get to work, 50 to get back home, 40 to get to Greenville for dance class and another 40 to get back home. My math may be a little wrong, but i thought I had calculated 180 minutes of driving on Thursday. Geez. And I'm not even a taxi driver to get paid for that.
Thursday I worked, then Lydia had dance. It wasn't too bad driving home from work to get Lydia. Then we got about 3/4 the way to Greenville and the snow really started coming down. Believe it or not, there was only one little girl missing from Lydia's dance class. WOW!!!

Lydia got to try on her costume for her dance recital. (Mark your calendar's for Sat May 19). We are super excited. She loves dance and enjoys being around other little girls instead of little boys, which is pretty much the census of our friends. Lydia looked very very cute. I cannot wait to see the final product (remaining part of costume, hair,makeup,etc). EXCITING> And we raised enough money selling candy bars we didn't have to pay a CENT for her costume, tights, hair accessory,etc. YAY US!!!! I cannot reveal her costume, as it's a secret and we want you to be completely surprised for the recital.  Lydia was a bit miffed we weren't allowed to bring it home, but then again she doesn't understand.

Friday I worked and knew Grammie was off work. So I asked Lydia if she wanted to go to Grandma's for the day or to Grammie's alone (No Owen and No Savanna). She was soooooooooooo excited! So Grammie and Lydia got to spend the day together. She had a great time.

Owen has been staying home w/Daddy while we go to dance. Daddy's home, so they may as well stay home get dinner, homework, and bedtime routine started til we get home. Thursday's certainly are different in our house.

So we're starting to get ready for Lydia's birthday party today, and I had this crazy notion in my head to make the cakes myself. Well last night after working 3 days, all that driving, the kids in the grocery store "mom, mom, mom, mommy, mom, mooooom, can i get this, ohh i like that". I caved and bought the kids cupcakes, and 2 other smaller cakes.....I was too stressed and knew I couldn't get 2 cakes nicely made today and get ready....I know laziness.....I wanna say it's being smart so I don't get too stressed out! right?

Alright well Id better start getting motivated to get this house in order and us ready. Will post pictures tonight or tomorrow of the party.

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