Thursday, March 3, 2011

The "cold bug" has hit the Hill House!!!

It's true....the cold bug as hit our house. Daddy became sick last week once we returned from D.C. Slept seriously I swear 3days, took 1 whole box of dayqual and finished a box of nyqual. THEN the kids starting coughing through the night over the weekend.....and now they're snotty nosed, coughing and Owen's fevering. :-( Ive been feeling weaker and weaker, sore throat and coughing for a day now. Hope it gets outta our house quickly. Am hoping for naps today to sleep some of this off.

Lydia's being a stinker as usual. She's quick too. Last evening she in 5 minutes managed to make a disgusting mess that took me 15-20 minutes to clean and disinfect the bathroom and the result of all this .... A CLOGGED TOILET! What a disaster! Daddy was in D.C. last night, so we plunged and plunged and plunged. I get hysterical when things around the house don't work when they're supposed to and I have no one around to help.

Owen fell asleep at 6pm while meem was still here, woke up at 8pm to get pj's on and in bed, and Lydia was pj'd, medicine and sleeping by 830pm. YAY! or so I thought...I get myself so excited that they fall asleep early that I can't get to sleep. It was well after 11:30pm. boooooo. At 520am Owen woke up crying his throat hurt and he was burning up, we changed our wet clothes, got a dose of Tylenol and back to sleep we went til they were both WIDE awake at 7am. That's early for mommy. They're going on spurts today of arguing-but not as bad as the last few days.

Yesterday aunt Mary came to visit. She helps with the kids, and they LOVE having her. We got my little sewing machine out Mom got me for Christmas when I was pregnant with Lydia. I've got tooth fairy pillows to make for the kids and a gift to make for my best friend. I also would like to make sleep shorts for Owen this summer and dresses for Lydia. Meem brought a roast and we made that with mashed potatoes, noodles and corn. Owen wasn't too interested in eating, but Lydia polished off her plate and half of Owen's. She's such a good eater. I got the kitchen all cleaned up but the floor while meem played on the computer and we talked. Was nice having someone here to talk to while I did housework. But it was getting dark and Meem and Lacie decided to hit the road :-( i hate when visits come to an end.

Today we're just lounging around. I don't think I have the energy for Zumba tonight, but I am going to try bible study. Here's the link to the bible study I have been doing. It's very interesting and makes yout think.

Troy's on his way from another Farm Bureau meeting, thank goodness meetings are done for a while.
Harley's coming over until Sunday. We're babysitting for Peanut (my cousin). Harley's a 2 yr old black cocker spaniel. He's so big and adorable!!! We're excited to have him.

Praying we get better real soon.

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