Molly has joined our family.......
Sunday June 28 our family went to look at 3 Dachshund puppies. The kids had a blast w/all of these pups running around. We told the lady we'd decide which one and let her know within the hour. So we went to Arby's and sat down to have dinner and discuss it. WE picked Molly the chubby lovable one. It was hard to decide. But we did it. So of course w/a small new puppy we needed to get some new supplies (puppy food, puppy collar, leash, etc).
Tuesday July 1- I picked Molly up after work. The girls I work w/wanted to see her. So we did a parking lot introduction to Leslie, Stephanie and Georgia. She shook like a leaf the whole way home. Never cried though. We did come up with Molly in the first hour that she was home. Troy decided the finalization. Our other names were Hannah, Miley, Katie, I think that's all I remember. She never cried when I put her in her cage for the night....however when Troy camehome she cried and cried and cried. Troy slept in the recliner w/her on his chest all nite.
She did wimper to go outside the first few days, then it went down hill. She kept peeing on the towel on the floor in front of tub when I was bathing. She's doing well though.
Tuesday July 7 - Molly goes to her first vet appointment. She weighed in at 5 lbs 13 oz. She passed all the tests. No fleas, worms or parasites. Dr.Clark said she looked GREAT! They trimmed her nails, we got a free puppy kit w/1 mnths supply of heartgard and flea protection.
I did talk in text to molly's old owner's...all her sisters are placed in new homes already. YEAA
Troy and Matthew made it to Texas for the National Guernsey Breeders Convention. They'll return Monday.
Lydia said CHEESE, YES, UHOH, THIS all within a week. AMAZING!!!
I can't wait to be done working for 2 weeks!! Im off for 2 whole weeks. Im sure it'll all get booked up. But at least I dont HAVE to be anywhere on a timeclock. I love where I work and waht I do, but 3 weeks in a row is tough w/2 lil kids 3 and under, a puppy, a busy husband and a house.